Hue Overview

Hue is a city in central Vietnam that is known all over the world for its beautiful natural landscapes, unique festivals, and friendly people. The city is one of the best places to visit in Vietnam.

Located on a narrow strip of land on Vietnam's North Central Coast, this provincial capital of Thua Thien Hue plays the role of a center of arts, politics, education, and tourism. With the Huong (Perfume) River and valuable feudal dynasty artifacts, Hue is one of the most famous cities in Vietnamese poetry and music.

Hue Overview

Hue Overview

Today, Hue is a nice, quiet city even though in the past was the capital for 13 Nguyen kings and 9 Nguyen lords over a period of almost 400 years. Some of the most impressive feudal remains are still there. Vietnam's wisdom and spirit are kept alive in Hue through its culture and intangible heritage.

Over the years, Hue has had beautiful natural scenery with a romantic river and charming mountains. Hue tours is a good choice for you to explore this historical and beautiful land. If you do not have a lot of time, you also can choose the Hue day tour, the Hue city tour for 1 day, which will save you time but still get you to visit the highlighted attractions of this tranquil city.

What to do and what to see in Hue?

Famous for its historical and traditional features, Hue is a worth visiting city. Therefore, you should spend your time exploring the historical value of this city. You can choose either Hue city private tour or the Hue city group tour, depending on your interest.

To start your Hue trip from Danang airport, you should book Vietnam Airport Car, Vietnam Airport Car can pick you up right from the airport or from your hotel so it is very convenient. When using the Vietnam Airport Car service, you will have a tour guide who will help you know more about this historical city.

Hue Capital Overview

Hue Capital Overview

One thing you shouldn't miss when you're in Hue is the Imperial City. When you see how well the Imperial Enclosure has been maintained for almost 200 years, you will be surprised. This building was built from 1805 to 1832, during the reigns of both the Gia Long King and the Minh Mang King. It's not an exaggeration to say that this is the biggest building built in Vietnam in the late 20th century.

Thousands of people were recruited to construct it, and millions of cubic meters of rock were used in the process. Imperial City is one of the most interesting places to visit if you like old buildings.

Another must-see place in Hue is the Royal Tomb of Emperor Khai Dinh. Khai Dinh's tomb is on Chau Chu mountain, about 10 km from Hue, Vietnam. Compared to the other tombs of Nguyen royals, this one is the smallest, most expensive, and most recent.

During the years 1920 - 1931, Emperor Khai Dinh, the 12th Emperor of the Nguyen Dynasty, built it. This tomb is on a hillside and took 11 years to finish. Its architecture is a mix of Eastern and Western styles. Khai Dinh Tomb is thought to be one of the best places to see in Hue.

Thien Mu Pagoda Overview

Thien Mu Pagoda Overview

Thien Mu Pagoda and Perfume River contribute to the beauty and romance of Hue. A trip to Hue wouldn't be complete without a boat tour of Hue on the peaceful Perfume River. This romantic river runs through the capital city of Hue, also called Huong River, and is about 80 kilometers long.

It gets its name from the fact that it flows through many forests of aromatic plants before it gets to Hue, giving it a clean, fresh smell. Thien Mu Pagoda, which is also called Linh Mu Pagoda, is one of Hue city's oldest and most interesting pagodas. It is on Ha Khe hill on the north bank of the Perfume River in Huong Long village, which is 5 kilometers from Hue city and easy to get to from the city center.

What to eat and drink in Hue?

When you travel to Hue, you shouldn’t miss the Street food tour In Hue, you will have the opportunity to sample some of the best cuisines in this land. The mix of royal traditions, local talent, and popular ingredients from this area create a both luxurious and simple nuance.

Eat and Drink in Hue

Eat and Drink in Hue

When discussing Hue cuisine, the first thing we think of is Bun Bo Hue. It's at the top of the list of things to eat. Bun Bo Hue is similar to Pho, but it has more toppings and a unique broth. Besides, Bun Thit Nuong, which is grilled pork noodles from Hue, is another dish you must try there. This is a staple food in Vietnam, but the version served in Hue is a little different.

You are easily caught Hue bread soup or Banh Canh in every corner. It is a thick noodle soup made from tapioca flour or a mixture of tapioca flour and rice flour. Different kinds of Hue bread soup include crab bread soup, bread soup with quail eggs, and bread soup with fish sausage.

Still, Hue is known for its Banh Canh Nam Pho, or Nam Pho soup. This dish is really perfect in both taste and appearance. Crab eggs and shrimp give Banh Canh Nam Pho its red color. The noodle is transparent, soft, and really unique.

When to visit Hue

Hue has hot and humid seasons all through the year, but it's known to be hotter than most cities during the summer as it gets hot-dry winds from Laos from the southwest. The dry season is between March and August. Then, from September to February, it is cooler and rainier.

The Street in Hue

The Street in Hue

The hottest months are May and August when daytime temperatures can reach 40°C. During this time, Hue is also usually full of local tourists, which makes accommodations harder to find and more expensive.

The best time to visit Hue is between January and April when temperatures average between 20°C and 24°C. Rain is common, but it usually only rains lightly during the day. At this time of year, you can walk around Hue's historical sites and temples without getting too hot or too cold.

This time of year is when events like Tet (in January and February) and the Hue Festival (April). People can see cultural shows, buy in crowded markets, listen to traditional music, watch reenactments of royal ceremonies, and eat seasonal dishes.

Between September and December is the low season of Hue tourism and hotel prices go down. The temperature drops to about 19°C, and it rains really often. If you want to go to Hue during this time of year, it's best to avoid going in October or November, which are statistically the months with the most rain.

The tours from Hue

Hue day trip from Danang

If you book a Vietnam Airport Car, you can easily transfer from Danang airport to Hue. You will go through Hai Van Pass on your way to Hue. Hai Van Pass is a beautiful place. On Highway 1 between Thua Thien Hue Province and Danang City, it looks like a huge dragon.

Hai Van means "Sea Clouds" because the mountain's peak is in the clouds and its base is near the sea. At places like the Citadel, Thien Mu Pagoda, and Khai Dinh Royal Tomb, you can learn more about Hue's history. Taking a Hue tour from Danang will make your time in Vietnam the best one you've ever had.

Worshiping room inside Hue Royal Palace

Worshiping room inside Hue Royal Palace

Tour from Hue to Hoi An

Hoi An is one of the most popular tourist spots in Central Vietnam. It is quiet and has a long history, so it draws visitors from all over the world. In the 17th and 18th centuries, Hoi An was an international trade port where ships from Japan, China, and the West met. This had a big impact on the architecture of the city.

The architecture in Hoi An is a beautiful mix of Vietnamese, Chinese, and Japanese styles. It has a lot of pagodas, temples, and old houses in many different unique styles. This makes it very special and different from anywhere else in Vietnam. If you are going on Hue tours, this is a must-see place.

Hue daily tour

If you don't have much time, you might want to think about a day tour because it will save you time but you still have a chance to explore the famous palaces. Hue was also very involved in Vietnam's wars for independence and reunification, which destroyed many of the city's buildings.

Some of them have since been carefully repaired. When you walk down the streets of Hue today, you'll see a mix of old and new buildings, with a beautiful river running through the middle of the city. Taking a whole day to look around Hue is a fun thing to do.

Discover Hue Citadel

Discover Hue Citadel

Boat tour Hue

A cruise on the Perfume River is a popular thing to do in Hue, Vietnam. This ride is different from other tours because it is on a dragon boat, which was once only used by the king. It could be part of his hunting trips, a journey to holy sites upstream, or a visit to the tombs of his ancestors. After the Nguyen Dynasty fell, people did the same thing.

Today, it's a fun stop for travelers on their way to see the sights of Hue. The most popular ride is from the center of Hue to Thien Mu Pagoda, the oldest Buddhist temple, or from Thien Mu Pagoda to the center of Hue. From the boat, you can relax and get some fresh air while sitting on a plastic chair.

We hope that the information in this blog will help you plan an awesome trip to Hue, Vietnam. You should also spend time looking at other tours like Halong Bay tours, Sapa tours, and Ninh Binh tours so that your trip to Vietnam will be memorable.

Get in touch with Vietnam Airport Car to make a reservation or ask any other questions. We promise to help you with the best option.